Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know it has been a while since I last posted so I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a happy new year, we definitely did. We spent Christmas with family and friends and it all went by so fast. I had to work on Christmas Eve, which I was not very happy about, but being there with parents who were coming to visit their babies and then had to leave to go home without them on Christmas made me greatly appreciate that I was only there for 12 hours and then I got to come home to my healthy baby. I am sure those parents would have traded places with me in a heartbeat so I decided that I needed to get over it and enjoy the time that I had off. Olivia spent most of Christmas like she did Thanksgiving- sleeping! We all still enjoyed her anyways! She is 12 weeks old now and she is such a butterball. When I took her to the pediatrcian for her 2 month checkup he told me she was growing in pounds faster than she was growing in inches, well no kidding just look at her and you can tell that! HA HA! She likes to sit up in her bumbo chair or her exersaucer and look around. She has rolled over from her tummy to her back a few times but I don't think she knows how she is rolling herself over. She will do it once and then you put her back on her tummy and she gets mad that she is on her tummy but won't roll over again, it's pretty funny. Well I have a lot of pictures to post and I hope you are all doing well. Keep checking in on us ~Jennifer


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer! I found your blog off of Katy's page. I am glad you are doing so well. You have such a beautiful baby and she looks exactly like you.

Hollie said...

Hey Jen! I can't believe how big she has gotten. I need to come see her and love on her. Mauree loves the new pics of her.Let's get together soon. We love yall.

Katy said...

Hey hun - oh my that baby is gorgeous! Thanks for posting new pics - I love seeing how much she has grown. I will come to see you soon hopefully.
love you

holly said...

ok, jennifer...i need to meet miss Olivia already. let's make it happen! =)